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Who we are

Packedia is an avant-garde company with a global coverage and an expanding position on the packaging production market.

Our capabilities, our production capacity and our innovatory technology allow us to achieve the most complex requirements of our clients.

With an infrastructure of over 13,000 sq.m. SVERIGE, RUMÄNIEN, being structured in a dynamic, intelligent and efficient way, we are one of the few companies in Eastern Europe with a complete and integrated cycle of production in the same location.

Our Sales Team takes a personal approach to each and every opportunity. We provide solutions that solve problems, ultimately improving our customers’ bottom lines. We strive to improve their mission by maintaining a sharp level of responsiveness to their needs.

Our Design, Testing, Assembly, and Fulfillment Divisions have the capability to manage the most intricate and challenging projects in a timely and budget conscious manner. Each team is trained to insure the best product and quality for any packaging needs that may.

Products Delivered Daily
Original Projects
Active Clients in Europe
Years of Experience


Our company has healthy/safety procedures in places and it is authorized/compliant with the current European legislation (fire safety, labor safety and health, sanitation etc.). An ethical audit was conducted by Disney International Labor Standard Group (ILS) in our factory. Our values and the ethical principles underlying our business activities form the platform for our global social responsibility and our Ethics in subject to systematic implementation.

PACKEDIA endorses the ethical standards represented by SEDEX. The focus of our product development is therefore on the manufacturing of packaging solutions with a minimal impact on the environment, low material usage and high recyclability, while also achieving ideal product characteristics.
